Yesterday afternoon in the Batey was great. My new friend was there with his little brother who I love already and my old friend from Batey Woltario came by. He seems to show up in all kinds of random places that we are at. Camp went so well. Rotations were much smoother and the older boys seemed to have chilled out some. My favorite little kid ever followed me around and helped me tell the groups to switch. He's smart for a three year old haha. I got his older brother to help me ring the bell too. It's too high for me to reach and he's a giant so it worked out. He was so excited that I had given him something to do. He's too old to participate in camp but loved that I included him. His face lit up and he took his responsibility so seriously. He got so excited and rang the bell early but it didn't matter because the face he had on while ringing that bell is something i'll never forget.
Last night we had dinner early so we could go on the sunset hike/swim. I took the new volunteers up the mountain for a quick hike and then we ran down for some body surfing. The waves have been awesome these last few weeks so of course we all had a great time.
This morning I woke up feeling sick. Here comes the gripe (cold). Bryson hooked me up with some Vitamin C energizer something or other that got me through camp in the afternoon. Camp this morning went smooth as usual. A woman who I'd met earlier this week brought me the best present ever. FRESH MANGOS!!!!!! So excited : )
When we got back from camp this morning I took a nice little siesta hoping that between that and Bryson's remedy I'd be good to go. At the Batey I played soccer with the two boys groups and hung out with my little friend. He wasn't there when we first got there and so I was kind of sad. His brother ran up to me and told me he was in school. Then I saw him running across the field. He ran right up to me and jumped up in my arms. Most precious kid ever. His brother laughed a lot, went and did the bell for me, and then told me he had to go get ready for baseball. Sure enough in the middle of our soccer game a baseball game started. Woops. It worked out though. I took the little one to go read for a bit and he loved FROGGY. We will probably have to read it again tomorrow.
As soon as we got home I went straight to bed thinking I could get a quick nap in before dinner. Somehow the dinner bells got mixed up and so I got up early and went out to watch the boys play basketball. Then it started to rain and hasn't let up yet. Tonight was activity night with the kids but when I went to go get them Pastor said no. So I sat in there with them instead. We had so much fun. Nena told me three bible stories...Adam and Eve, Noah, and the Creation story. It was so funny. Mini culto again haha. And we sang every song I've ever learned here too. Domingo then tried to tell me a joke but there were too many words I was unsure of so I just laughed when he did. I love going over there with them. They all try to pile in my lap and it's just the best feeling. Up until Junior starts biting. Then it turns ugly quickly. They are my sweet little angels though. After story time little Nicole and the twins did my hair for me. Four and five year olds have quite an imagination let me tell you. Gio laughed a lot at me tonight. He always tries to keep the children from piling on me but I never mind it. That's about all that happened here tonight. Sad that tomorrow is our last day of camp in the Batey but hopefully I'll get to go again soon.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Batey Isabella y Kilometer 13

Camp yesterday was great! I love taking camp to different places and that's what we are doing this week. In the morning we do camp at Kilometer 13 which is a small school off the highway. The kids are really well behaved and excited to learn. I read with one of the younger boys today who had a bilingual book and he wanted me to read in Spanish while he read in English. It was cool to see that. Most kids are intimidated by things they don't know.
After we have camp in the morning we head back for lunch and siesta. Yesterday during siesta I played a quick one on one game with Jochi. He of course won but I think I'm going to surprise him one of these days. We only had time for one game and then had to leave for Batey Isabella. Batey Isabella is on the same road as my favorite Batey Woltario. I LOVE THE BATEYES. Most of you are aware of that already. Some people hate going because of the misbehaved children, lack of cleanliness, and lack of structure but I thrive there for some reason. The kids get sooooo excited when the bus pulls in. It's almost like Disney is coming to town. They love it. It is definitely very crazy and hectic but the kids have so much fun. Once we get them divided into their groups we sing random camp songs. They love the banana song especially when they get to go bananas. We try to keep camp for kids ages 6-12 but sometimes the older kids and adults want to participate too. There was one kid probably 16 years old who had his younger brother (6ish) with him. He couldn't get the little boy to play so instantly the little one became my special friend. I grabbed him up and he helped me run camp. He loved it. The older brother kept checking on him and laughing when he saw the little boy with me. I'm excited to head back this afternoon.
Going to the Bateyes is probably one of my favorite things to do here. God has really placed a special place in my heart for them. I would live there in a heartbeat if I could. The song God of this city by Chris Tomlin always comes to my mind while I'm there. It's amazing how you can always find him even in the worst of places. They have almost nothing but yet can be so content and so giving. I love seeing their excitement when we come to play or read with them. The adults too. If we all could only love even those that people view as "unloved." our world would be so different. Love one, change a life. Love ALL, change the WORLD!
Romans 12:13
When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.
After we have camp in the morning we head back for lunch and siesta. Yesterday during siesta I played a quick one on one game with Jochi. He of course won but I think I'm going to surprise him one of these days. We only had time for one game and then had to leave for Batey Isabella. Batey Isabella is on the same road as my favorite Batey Woltario. I LOVE THE BATEYES. Most of you are aware of that already. Some people hate going because of the misbehaved children, lack of cleanliness, and lack of structure but I thrive there for some reason. The kids get sooooo excited when the bus pulls in. It's almost like Disney is coming to town. They love it. It is definitely very crazy and hectic but the kids have so much fun. Once we get them divided into their groups we sing random camp songs. They love the banana song especially when they get to go bananas. We try to keep camp for kids ages 6-12 but sometimes the older kids and adults want to participate too. There was one kid probably 16 years old who had his younger brother (6ish) with him. He couldn't get the little boy to play so instantly the little one became my special friend. I grabbed him up and he helped me run camp. He loved it. The older brother kept checking on him and laughing when he saw the little boy with me. I'm excited to head back this afternoon.
Going to the Bateyes is probably one of my favorite things to do here. God has really placed a special place in my heart for them. I would live there in a heartbeat if I could. The song God of this city by Chris Tomlin always comes to my mind while I'm there. It's amazing how you can always find him even in the worst of places. They have almost nothing but yet can be so content and so giving. I love seeing their excitement when we come to play or read with them. The adults too. If we all could only love even those that people view as "unloved." our world would be so different. Love one, change a life. Love ALL, change the WORLD!
Romans 12:13
When God's people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
And it's raining...
Today has been a day for rain. It has rained off and on through the week but not like today. I love the rain. Sundays are mainly filled with orientations regarding OO and camp. While the volunteers were finishing up their planning for camp, I went and saw the kiddos. The little girls were all cute in their Sunday dresses and David and Tito looked so spiffy in their dress shirts. I just love it. I stopped by to say hey to Marcos and Odalis at the mesita and then all of a sudden Marcos took off running for the covering underneath the stairs of the education center. I wondered for a few seconds on what he was doing and then it started to downpour. He laughed because by the time Odalis and I made it to the stairs we were pretty wet. To pass the time the boys decided to rap. It was the funiest thing I had seen in a while. Marcos even busted out some English raps. Pretty skilled. At one point Bryson came out of nowhere with Mineli, Checa and Lisy also looking for shelter. I think he realized it was too crowded and then tried to carry all of them to the Comodor. So funny. Once the rain let up Odalis and I played 3 one on one games. He won all of them. Marcos hurt his ankle yesterday so he watched and announced are game. To give you an idea of how that went..."And Sara has the ball and she shoots and she misses just like she always does." Thanks Coach. And my other favorite..."Wow she finally made a shot." After those games ended me Odalis and Whit were on a team against Steph, Leonel and Moncho. They won all three games. Leonel is a beast. I played with Jochi earlier and could maybe take him if I work harder. He won both games but it was close both times. It doesn't help that he has a good foot on me. I'm so glad he and I are friends again. That was a long three months of the silent treatment. The rest of the day was pretty chill. I just went to check on my babies that didn't go to church and I think I caused a disaster. I think Negra was trying to have them sit calmly and wait for dinner. I walked in and then jumped all over me. I told Negra sorry and made a quick exit. She laughed. She and Gio are trying to teach me new words in Spanish. I couldn't remember rainbow and that one was just last night. Oh well...maybe one day.
To catch up from Friday...after lunch we went for icecream, checked out the Cuban museum, got a tour of this shipwreck salvage project which was pretty cool and then finally to the beach. The waves were so crazy. Carlos, who we had met one other time at the beach, was there and joined us for body surfing. We had a really good time. After the beach we headed back and got ready for PIZZA night. I love going to the pizzeria. It's so fun to get to go out at night.
Saturday was pretty low key. Usually a day of chores and catching up on rest. I spent the morning out with the kids and catching up with Eliezer. I'm so glad he's decided to stay long term. It's going to be fun having him around. Junior and baby Nicole came and sat with us while Luz Maria and Goanni did my hair. It was just an all around good morning. In the afternoon Bryson took us to the beach with the kids in the back of the truck (my favorite thing here). They unfortunately remembered the game I played with them last week that involved swimming under water with them on my back. Very tiring but so fun. Yasmin and I played tag for a while too. She's absolutely crazy in the water. She and Indiana teamed up on me for a while too. We have been in an on going battle since Noche Especial. I'm always tickling them and they tackled me at that sleepover and tickled me until I couldn't breathe. Such a fun night. I got them back in the end and now they are always tag teaming me especially at the beach. Domingo and I did handstands for a little while until Jose Luis brought me Junior so we could teach him to swim again. Not anywhere near as successful as least week but it's progress. We got back a little before dinner time and so after showering we went back over and played random games on the basketball court. Carlos from the beach showed up and we played one on one for a little while. He kept trying to teach me some weird game and I had no idea what he was talking about. I thought I got what he said but then he kept yelling no at me so no clue what that was about. We still had fun. I played moster with the twins and Lisy for a little bit before separation time and then said goodnight to the little monkeys. The weekend was pretty good overall as usual.
This week we are going to Kilometer 13 and a Batey for camp. I love the Bateyes. This week will be great.
To catch up from Friday...after lunch we went for icecream, checked out the Cuban museum, got a tour of this shipwreck salvage project which was pretty cool and then finally to the beach. The waves were so crazy. Carlos, who we had met one other time at the beach, was there and joined us for body surfing. We had a really good time. After the beach we headed back and got ready for PIZZA night. I love going to the pizzeria. It's so fun to get to go out at night.
Saturday was pretty low key. Usually a day of chores and catching up on rest. I spent the morning out with the kids and catching up with Eliezer. I'm so glad he's decided to stay long term. It's going to be fun having him around. Junior and baby Nicole came and sat with us while Luz Maria and Goanni did my hair. It was just an all around good morning. In the afternoon Bryson took us to the beach with the kids in the back of the truck (my favorite thing here). They unfortunately remembered the game I played with them last week that involved swimming under water with them on my back. Very tiring but so fun. Yasmin and I played tag for a while too. She's absolutely crazy in the water. She and Indiana teamed up on me for a while too. We have been in an on going battle since Noche Especial. I'm always tickling them and they tackled me at that sleepover and tickled me until I couldn't breathe. Such a fun night. I got them back in the end and now they are always tag teaming me especially at the beach. Domingo and I did handstands for a little while until Jose Luis brought me Junior so we could teach him to swim again. Not anywhere near as successful as least week but it's progress. We got back a little before dinner time and so after showering we went back over and played random games on the basketball court. Carlos from the beach showed up and we played one on one for a little while. He kept trying to teach me some weird game and I had no idea what he was talking about. I thought I got what he said but then he kept yelling no at me so no clue what that was about. We still had fun. I played moster with the twins and Lisy for a little bit before separation time and then said goodnight to the little monkeys. The weekend was pretty good overall as usual.
This week we are going to Kilometer 13 and a Batey for camp. I love the Bateyes. This week will be great.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Ice please...
Monday was day one of English camp/Extreme Makeover at the Institute. In the morning we had about 25 kids maybe. Because we had so few kids, some of the volunteers jumped in to the cleaning that needed to be done. We also had an announcer drive around and advertise camp for us hoping that would increase our numbers. After camp was over half the group drove home on the bus and the other half wanted to walk so I went with them. It's always fun to see people in the community especially when they start getting to know you. Camp in the afternoon had a dramatic change. After the announcement we had over 100 kids join us. It was intense. When we got back after camp everyone was so exhausted so we all just kinda chilled with the kids. While we were playing volleyball the kids told me Eliezer was back. He came over about a month ago with his sister in law and loved it. He's such an awesome person. I'm really excited he's sticking around for a while. That evening we watched Rusty with the kids. Tuesday and Wednesday went the same. Around 25 kids in the morning and then 100 plus in the afternoon. Coco asked me to stop and get ice one afternoon before camp which was enternaing. I accomplished it though. I got back on the bus and everyone cheered. Talk about awkward. It was funny. It's funny how much I'm learning without even realizing it. We went to Lilo's (grocery store) Tuesday night and I was able to ask the employees random questions that volunteers were asking me. It seems like it was just yesterday I was freaking out over how to order ice cream with Elizabeth in the airport.
In the evenings we've still been sticking with basketball and volleyball. Tuesday night before separation time we hung out on the basketball court. The power had been acting funky so it was relatively dark. I sat down for a it to watch the younger boys play basketball and Nena came up and sat on my lap and fell asleep instantly. She hadn't done that for a long time. Meri came and sat with us too. My sweet little angels. Culto was cancelled Wednesday so we extended the activity night with the kids and watched Peter Pan. I had Nena with me for most of the movie of course and then around 20 minutes before the movie ended Luz Maria came and found me and wanted to sit with us. That's probably a record for her to have still been awake that long. She's usually out by the first 10 minutes. Nena scooted over so they each had one of my legs and 5 minutes before the movie ended Luz Maria was out. It's times like those that make me so happy here. Yesterday we had camp again all day and got back around 4:45 for game time. Ariel taught us some Spainsh for a while which was entertaining. I watched the boys play basketball for a little while and then Amaury (Marcos' brother) and I played before dinner. After dinner Steph and I jumped in with the bog dogs. For the first game it was me, Eliezer, and Leonel. Steph played with Odalis and Manuel. We won the first game and then started game two. I switched to play with Eliezer and Marcos and then Steph played with Manuel and Odalis. It's fun to play with them but sometimes deadly. I had my first knockout by my own team mate. I decided rebounding is too dangerous for me when I'm playing with the big boys. I actually hit the ground last night which was rather entertaining because all the boys came to make sure I was ok and I couldn't stop laughing. After our games we had an intern meeting upstairs with Canadian chocolate so everyone was a little crazy. We are going through this book called the greatness guide and the chapter was on taking risks. Ironincally enough that's what I've been thinking about for the last two weeks. So many decisions to make.
Welp time to get ready for the rest of Culture day. We checked out the clock tower, an art gallery, a cemetary, and la playa granja. Next to icecream, the cuban museum, and the BEACH! Wohoo.
In the evenings we've still been sticking with basketball and volleyball. Tuesday night before separation time we hung out on the basketball court. The power had been acting funky so it was relatively dark. I sat down for a it to watch the younger boys play basketball and Nena came up and sat on my lap and fell asleep instantly. She hadn't done that for a long time. Meri came and sat with us too. My sweet little angels. Culto was cancelled Wednesday so we extended the activity night with the kids and watched Peter Pan. I had Nena with me for most of the movie of course and then around 20 minutes before the movie ended Luz Maria came and found me and wanted to sit with us. That's probably a record for her to have still been awake that long. She's usually out by the first 10 minutes. Nena scooted over so they each had one of my legs and 5 minutes before the movie ended Luz Maria was out. It's times like those that make me so happy here. Yesterday we had camp again all day and got back around 4:45 for game time. Ariel taught us some Spainsh for a while which was entertaining. I watched the boys play basketball for a little while and then Amaury (Marcos' brother) and I played before dinner. After dinner Steph and I jumped in with the bog dogs. For the first game it was me, Eliezer, and Leonel. Steph played with Odalis and Manuel. We won the first game and then started game two. I switched to play with Eliezer and Marcos and then Steph played with Manuel and Odalis. It's fun to play with them but sometimes deadly. I had my first knockout by my own team mate. I decided rebounding is too dangerous for me when I'm playing with the big boys. I actually hit the ground last night which was rather entertaining because all the boys came to make sure I was ok and I couldn't stop laughing. After our games we had an intern meeting upstairs with Canadian chocolate so everyone was a little crazy. We are going through this book called the greatness guide and the chapter was on taking risks. Ironincally enough that's what I've been thinking about for the last two weeks. So many decisions to make.
Welp time to get ready for the rest of Culture day. We checked out the clock tower, an art gallery, a cemetary, and la playa granja. Next to icecream, the cuban museum, and the BEACH! Wohoo.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
1 John 3:18-19
"Dear children, let's not merely say that we love each oher; let us show the truth by our actions. Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God." ~1 John 3:18-19
This has been the verse that I have chosen to meditate on this week. I feel like it is very much applicable to my life right now and it has become my goal every day. I don't want anyone to ever question my love for them. I want them to just know not only that I love them but also that they may see Christ's love in that.
This week we had camp in Manzanillo which is kind of where orphanage outreach had its beginning. It was cool to take camp on the road again. It makes for a different week. Sometimes it's rough being gone for the whole day but I like it. Manzanillo is about 45 min- 1hour, depending on the road conditions, outside of Monte Cristi. The first day Ariel, Marcos, Leidy, Ana and Erickson went with us to help with camp. The next day we added Oscar to the mix. That made for some interesting bus times. We had so many random songs going from all directions. Ariel was listening to an ipod and started singing "I believe I can fly" while Oscar is singing Omega with his ipod and Marcos jamming out to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. We are still working on teaching him all the words. He does really well though. We had camp at a central park and we were expecting tons of kids when we got there. Well, when our bus pulled up around the corner Marge had 5 faithful kids that were ready to come to campamento. Some people were a little discouraged but I knew it would pick up. We got there early so we split up and walked around the neighborhood to try and recruit kids. I think we had about 100 kids for each camp every day. It was awesome. We did a camp for two hours in the morning and then one in the afternoon as well. The kids loved it. Sometimes the boy's group would act out for rec so Ariel and I started a game of football and then went in to crazy soccer. We had a blast.
Monday night we had movie night with the kids as we usually do. I baked with Julie and got to catch up with her for a bit. It's always entertaining in the kitchen. Tuesday night we had an optional movie...The Price of Sugar. It was a pretty good documentary about the sugar bateyes. Wednesday night was a lot of fun. After we got back from camp we of course played basketball except there were enough people for my first full court game. It was so fun AND I didn't die. I went to get a rebound at one point and had Manuel, Marcos and Odalis coming down at my face and that's when I decided I probably won't try that again. They were good sports about me playing though. After our awesome basketball game we switched to Volleyball. We did girls vs guys which is a change from our normal American vs Dominican. The girls team consisted of me, Stephanie, Bre, Lauren, Indiana (off and on), Carolina, and Lisa. The boys team had the Manuels, Franklin, Odalis, Kristopher, and Erickson. We won all 3 games. Later that night Roberta and her team showed up. The kids all love her and call her grandma. It's so fun to watch her with them. They have been awesome to get to know. Thursday night the boys finally came out and played basketball like they used to. Meri and I sat for a while talking and hanging out. I love that little girl. Luz Maria and Nena joined us too for a while. After a bit we switched to Volleyball again. We also had our intern meeting and closing that night. Closing was really good. It was sad to have to say goodbye to Lisa but it was fun remembering all the crazy times we had. Friday was a blast. For our culture day we went to CABARETE. I had been once before but this week I was pumped about going back. I was so ready to see Heather and spend time with the interns from Jaibon. We pulled into Jaibon and they were all ready for hugs. Dustin and his hat along with Collin and his blue shirt with red dolphins just made my day. I had missed them alot. We had breakfast around 6am and set out for the 4 hour drive. We shopped for a little bit and then went to a restraunt that overlooked the beach. It was great. After that I just caught up with Heather and Emilee. We literally sat on the beach the whole time we were there, except for the 10 minute ice cream break at BON. Thanks to Elizabeth I am hooked on the 1/2 coffee 1/2 chocolate. SO GOOD! Yesterday was mixed day. Julie left yesterday and that made me so sad. I've really enjoyed our late night chats that we've been having and just her overall sense of humor. I know she's going to do great things but I'm definitely going to miss her. Saturdays are usually pretty slow. It's more of a catch up day. Yesterday afternoon we had beach day with the kids. SOOOO FUN! I love going with them. They get so excited to see your bathing suit. Right before they load up they run around like crazy lifting up everyone's shirt to see your suit. It's really funny. Indiana told me she wasn't going but I talked her out of that. Then she said she'd go but she was not swimming...also talked her out of that. : ) We loaded up in the back of the truck and headed for Playita. When we got there Nena and I played for a while. She thought it was so fun to ride on my back while I swam under water. Then of course everyone had to do it. Very tiring but so worth it. Yasmin and I played tag for a while too and tried to float. I tried to teach Junior how to swim but I'm not sure how far we got. He at least was kicking and moving his arms. Maybe next time he'll have it. Yennifer, the twins and I had fun in the shallow end too. They can't go out super deep so we just kind of goofed up on the edge. The kids are so funny when they get in water. They're crazy in general but this is a whole different kind of crazy. Last night I took Roberta, Serena, and Whit to Catholic mass and we had a great time. Marcos and Manuel were translating for the row in front of me and then Erickson tried to help me some too. It's always entertaining going places with them. That's pretty much been the week.
Training has been moving along. I'm leading this week which is a definite change. Continue to pray for this transition stage for me. And the kids here as well.
This has been the verse that I have chosen to meditate on this week. I feel like it is very much applicable to my life right now and it has become my goal every day. I don't want anyone to ever question my love for them. I want them to just know not only that I love them but also that they may see Christ's love in that.
This week we had camp in Manzanillo which is kind of where orphanage outreach had its beginning. It was cool to take camp on the road again. It makes for a different week. Sometimes it's rough being gone for the whole day but I like it. Manzanillo is about 45 min- 1hour, depending on the road conditions, outside of Monte Cristi. The first day Ariel, Marcos, Leidy, Ana and Erickson went with us to help with camp. The next day we added Oscar to the mix. That made for some interesting bus times. We had so many random songs going from all directions. Ariel was listening to an ipod and started singing "I believe I can fly" while Oscar is singing Omega with his ipod and Marcos jamming out to I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. We are still working on teaching him all the words. He does really well though. We had camp at a central park and we were expecting tons of kids when we got there. Well, when our bus pulled up around the corner Marge had 5 faithful kids that were ready to come to campamento. Some people were a little discouraged but I knew it would pick up. We got there early so we split up and walked around the neighborhood to try and recruit kids. I think we had about 100 kids for each camp every day. It was awesome. We did a camp for two hours in the morning and then one in the afternoon as well. The kids loved it. Sometimes the boy's group would act out for rec so Ariel and I started a game of football and then went in to crazy soccer. We had a blast.
Monday night we had movie night with the kids as we usually do. I baked with Julie and got to catch up with her for a bit. It's always entertaining in the kitchen. Tuesday night we had an optional movie...The Price of Sugar. It was a pretty good documentary about the sugar bateyes. Wednesday night was a lot of fun. After we got back from camp we of course played basketball except there were enough people for my first full court game. It was so fun AND I didn't die. I went to get a rebound at one point and had Manuel, Marcos and Odalis coming down at my face and that's when I decided I probably won't try that again. They were good sports about me playing though. After our awesome basketball game we switched to Volleyball. We did girls vs guys which is a change from our normal American vs Dominican. The girls team consisted of me, Stephanie, Bre, Lauren, Indiana (off and on), Carolina, and Lisa. The boys team had the Manuels, Franklin, Odalis, Kristopher, and Erickson. We won all 3 games. Later that night Roberta and her team showed up. The kids all love her and call her grandma. It's so fun to watch her with them. They have been awesome to get to know. Thursday night the boys finally came out and played basketball like they used to. Meri and I sat for a while talking and hanging out. I love that little girl. Luz Maria and Nena joined us too for a while. After a bit we switched to Volleyball again. We also had our intern meeting and closing that night. Closing was really good. It was sad to have to say goodbye to Lisa but it was fun remembering all the crazy times we had. Friday was a blast. For our culture day we went to CABARETE. I had been once before but this week I was pumped about going back. I was so ready to see Heather and spend time with the interns from Jaibon. We pulled into Jaibon and they were all ready for hugs. Dustin and his hat along with Collin and his blue shirt with red dolphins just made my day. I had missed them alot. We had breakfast around 6am and set out for the 4 hour drive. We shopped for a little bit and then went to a restraunt that overlooked the beach. It was great. After that I just caught up with Heather and Emilee. We literally sat on the beach the whole time we were there, except for the 10 minute ice cream break at BON. Thanks to Elizabeth I am hooked on the 1/2 coffee 1/2 chocolate. SO GOOD! Yesterday was mixed day. Julie left yesterday and that made me so sad. I've really enjoyed our late night chats that we've been having and just her overall sense of humor. I know she's going to do great things but I'm definitely going to miss her. Saturdays are usually pretty slow. It's more of a catch up day. Yesterday afternoon we had beach day with the kids. SOOOO FUN! I love going with them. They get so excited to see your bathing suit. Right before they load up they run around like crazy lifting up everyone's shirt to see your suit. It's really funny. Indiana told me she wasn't going but I talked her out of that. Then she said she'd go but she was not swimming...also talked her out of that. : ) We loaded up in the back of the truck and headed for Playita. When we got there Nena and I played for a while. She thought it was so fun to ride on my back while I swam under water. Then of course everyone had to do it. Very tiring but so worth it. Yasmin and I played tag for a while too and tried to float. I tried to teach Junior how to swim but I'm not sure how far we got. He at least was kicking and moving his arms. Maybe next time he'll have it. Yennifer, the twins and I had fun in the shallow end too. They can't go out super deep so we just kind of goofed up on the edge. The kids are so funny when they get in water. They're crazy in general but this is a whole different kind of crazy. Last night I took Roberta, Serena, and Whit to Catholic mass and we had a great time. Marcos and Manuel were translating for the row in front of me and then Erickson tried to help me some too. It's always entertaining going places with them. That's pretty much been the week.
Training has been moving along. I'm leading this week which is a definite change. Continue to pray for this transition stage for me. And the kids here as well.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy 4th
My favorite thing about the 4th is watching the fireworks and this will be the first year I don't get to see that. No worries though. Today has still been great. We did speed orientation and camp planning so that we could pack up and spend the afternoon at the beach. We had a great time. The weather was so nice and the water was just the perfect temperature. Odalis, Manuel, Marcos, and their friend showed up and entertained us for a while. We had more handstand contests and random water games. Right before we left my friend from the Batey showed up and so we caught up for a bit. We got to ride in the truck which is always so fun. It's almost like being in a parade. People are always yelling at us and waving. Tonight we have dinner, church, and then a Bible Study after. Dinner is supposed to be somewhat Americanized for the 4th. It's a surprise though. Everyone is guessing hamburgers and hotdogs but I doubt that. Maybe. After we get back from church, Steph and I have started a small group for anyone that wants to participate. I think tonight there will be around 5-7 of us. We are going to go through Isaiah. It will be nice to form that community again.
Well more later. We are super excited for camp on the road this week so pray that that goes well and also pray for rest. It's fun but very exhausting.
Well more later. We are super excited for camp on the road this week so pray that that goes well and also pray for rest. It's fun but very exhausting.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Math Camp
This week we switched camp up a bit. We have been having English camps for several weeks now and decided it would be fun to do Math camp instead. I think the kids really enjoyed being able to work on something different. This particular week I became more aware of how flawed the school systems are here. One of the boys who lives at the orphanage was really struggling in his class and for a while I didn't know why. According to his age he should have gone with the Level 2 kids upstairs to work on multiplying and dividing large numbers. Instead he was kept downstairs because "he was further behind." I started walking around the different classrooms to see how everyone was doing and I saw him getting ready to break down. I went over to sit with him and see if I could help. The assignment was to match the number with the word in English. He knows his numbers in Spanish and in English (at least to 10) so why couldn't he do this. He was shutting down because he couldn't read. How had he gotten this far and he still couldn't read but then another little girl was sitting in the same class practicing basic algebra? Overall though camp went well. The kids had lots of fun and are pumped for the next camp at the Institute. Our friend Luis Alejandro from Batey Woltario stopped by because he was in Monte Cristi. That of course got me thinking about my love for the Bateys and if that's where God was calling me. Still praying about that. This week we are taking camp on the road. We are going to Munzinio (about 45 min away) where Orphanage Outreach kind of first began. I'm excited to go and hang out with some new kids. Some of our Dominican friends are going to help out again which is going to be awesome. I love it when they participate and I know they were really excited to have the chance to.
Sunday night at church was entertaining. I sat with Lisa, Leonel and Junior. Not sure why Junior was allowed to go to church. He's only three and the younger kids usually stay back from church because they can't keep still. I saw that firsthand with Junior. Poor Leonel tried so hard to keep him quiet. I held him for a little while too but he still was crazy. He and his sister are still trying to adjust to their new home here. While the congregation was singing and while we were keeping Junior entertained Pastor asked if any of the Americans wanted to lead a song. When they ask you to do something like that it's offensive in this culture to say no. Well right after that Marcos started yelling my name and I was trying to duck down and hide but Coco ended up taking one for the team. The same thing happens at Culto. Sometimes they'll call out specific people to lead a song or a prayer. I haven't gotten my chance yet. Oh man when I do.
Tuesday night was our sunset hike/swim. Bryson had been leading the hike up the mountain for several weeks now so I led it this week while the other group hiked down to the beach. The girls I went with were really fun. We took some crazy pictures and just had a blast talking and watching the sunset. We got back to the bus 10 minutes before the other group did so we entertained ourselves by doing exercises in the street. About halfway through our ab routine of "swimming in the street" we realized the ranger was in his house laughing at us. GREAT! It as a good time though.
I've also been trying to play more basketball this week. Marcos and Edwin grande actually picked me for their team for two days. They usually playabout 3 games to the first one who gets to 21. It was a lot of fun. I'm still working on it but they were so patient. I think out of the 10 times Edwin passed me the ball I may have scored 4. Granted it is hard to shoot when you're playing with giants. Moncho and I have played a few games this week too. Edison and I started one but he left before we got to 21 so I guess he was bored. Saturday nights are usually my favorite games. The neighborhood guys come to play and it's so fun to watch. When there aren't games going on Marcos coaches me and sometimes we'll play one on one. I've grown to really love that kid. He's working on deciding what to do about his future so if you guys could keep him in your prayers regarding that that'd be great. Julie and I have been brainstorming on how to get him a chance for a college education. He's so smart and I know he would succeed at whatever he puts his mind to. I started talking to Leonel about his future too. He said he wanted to be a Psychologist but the problem is he doesn't apply himself like he should. He's a bright kid but he has to study.
Then there are my cute little girls. We watched Tarzan for movie night this week and Mineli sat with me yet again. She's such a funny kid. Litte Luis sat right next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. Times like those are the best. I've been trying to work with Joanni and her reading. She has learned so much but I want her to keep practicing. She's so fun to read with. Yesterday we got back from "Culture Day in MC" earlier than the group that went to Santiago so some of the volunteers started a baseball game. During the game it started to rain so the caretakers made all of the little girls come in. While I was helping Negra get them in I noticed they started going crazy (not really unusual for them). I started singing My God is so big in Spanish and Nena got the idea to have an impromptu Culto service in the Comodor. That was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen from her. Culto is the kid's informal worship service on Wednesday nights. There are usually some prayers and the kids lead some songs. Well Nena decided she was going to be the pastor and stood on a chair and led the entire service. Jennifer, Mineli, the twins, Checa, and Lisy were pretty good sports about it. I went out for a little while and watched the game in the rain which turned into Jose Luis tyring to soak me. That kid has the best smile ever. It's so hard to get mad at him. Shortly after that the rain stopped and the little girls could go back outside again. I went over to the playground and pushed Ari and Luz Maria on the swings for a bit. Luz Maria is so fun to talk to. She's smart for a 4/5 yr old. She was telling me about this fiesta she had at school and listed EVERYTHING they ate and did.
Today has been rather chill. I've been working on writing up Spanish charts to hang around our room so my Spanish improves. I've been using it a lot more since I've been in training. I have to communicate with the kitchen, Peguero, and the bus drivers so much more now. Moni and Nyerka have decided that they are going to teach me a new Spanish word every day. This morning when I went into the kitchen to greet them before breakfast we discovered that Lucy had had her kittens. Crazy cat. She just had her second set the week before I got here. Later this morning Richard came to get the people who were leaving for the airport. He's been helping me with my Spanish as well. Erickson appeared this morning too. He is from MC but he moved to Santiago for college. He helped lead a station of camp in the morning two weeks ago and then went to help me in the Bateys in the afternoon. He left for Santiago last Saturday to find a job and then came back today. I think he's going to help us out next week with camp. He seemed excited about it.
I think that's mostly all that happened this week. Please be in prayer for me as I am trying to decide what happens when I leave here in September. I have so many possibilities going through my mind and I want to make sure I follow God's plan for me. Also remember Marcos and the other neighborhood kids, as well as the 43 kids here.
Sunday night at church was entertaining. I sat with Lisa, Leonel and Junior. Not sure why Junior was allowed to go to church. He's only three and the younger kids usually stay back from church because they can't keep still. I saw that firsthand with Junior. Poor Leonel tried so hard to keep him quiet. I held him for a little while too but he still was crazy. He and his sister are still trying to adjust to their new home here. While the congregation was singing and while we were keeping Junior entertained Pastor asked if any of the Americans wanted to lead a song. When they ask you to do something like that it's offensive in this culture to say no. Well right after that Marcos started yelling my name and I was trying to duck down and hide but Coco ended up taking one for the team. The same thing happens at Culto. Sometimes they'll call out specific people to lead a song or a prayer. I haven't gotten my chance yet. Oh man when I do.
Tuesday night was our sunset hike/swim. Bryson had been leading the hike up the mountain for several weeks now so I led it this week while the other group hiked down to the beach. The girls I went with were really fun. We took some crazy pictures and just had a blast talking and watching the sunset. We got back to the bus 10 minutes before the other group did so we entertained ourselves by doing exercises in the street. About halfway through our ab routine of "swimming in the street" we realized the ranger was in his house laughing at us. GREAT! It as a good time though.
I've also been trying to play more basketball this week. Marcos and Edwin grande actually picked me for their team for two days. They usually playabout 3 games to the first one who gets to 21. It was a lot of fun. I'm still working on it but they were so patient. I think out of the 10 times Edwin passed me the ball I may have scored 4. Granted it is hard to shoot when you're playing with giants. Moncho and I have played a few games this week too. Edison and I started one but he left before we got to 21 so I guess he was bored. Saturday nights are usually my favorite games. The neighborhood guys come to play and it's so fun to watch. When there aren't games going on Marcos coaches me and sometimes we'll play one on one. I've grown to really love that kid. He's working on deciding what to do about his future so if you guys could keep him in your prayers regarding that that'd be great. Julie and I have been brainstorming on how to get him a chance for a college education. He's so smart and I know he would succeed at whatever he puts his mind to. I started talking to Leonel about his future too. He said he wanted to be a Psychologist but the problem is he doesn't apply himself like he should. He's a bright kid but he has to study.
Then there are my cute little girls. We watched Tarzan for movie night this week and Mineli sat with me yet again. She's such a funny kid. Litte Luis sat right next to me and rested his head on my shoulder. Times like those are the best. I've been trying to work with Joanni and her reading. She has learned so much but I want her to keep practicing. She's so fun to read with. Yesterday we got back from "Culture Day in MC" earlier than the group that went to Santiago so some of the volunteers started a baseball game. During the game it started to rain so the caretakers made all of the little girls come in. While I was helping Negra get them in I noticed they started going crazy (not really unusual for them). I started singing My God is so big in Spanish and Nena got the idea to have an impromptu Culto service in the Comodor. That was probably one of the funniest things I've ever seen from her. Culto is the kid's informal worship service on Wednesday nights. There are usually some prayers and the kids lead some songs. Well Nena decided she was going to be the pastor and stood on a chair and led the entire service. Jennifer, Mineli, the twins, Checa, and Lisy were pretty good sports about it. I went out for a little while and watched the game in the rain which turned into Jose Luis tyring to soak me. That kid has the best smile ever. It's so hard to get mad at him. Shortly after that the rain stopped and the little girls could go back outside again. I went over to the playground and pushed Ari and Luz Maria on the swings for a bit. Luz Maria is so fun to talk to. She's smart for a 4/5 yr old. She was telling me about this fiesta she had at school and listed EVERYTHING they ate and did.
Today has been rather chill. I've been working on writing up Spanish charts to hang around our room so my Spanish improves. I've been using it a lot more since I've been in training. I have to communicate with the kitchen, Peguero, and the bus drivers so much more now. Moni and Nyerka have decided that they are going to teach me a new Spanish word every day. This morning when I went into the kitchen to greet them before breakfast we discovered that Lucy had had her kittens. Crazy cat. She just had her second set the week before I got here. Later this morning Richard came to get the people who were leaving for the airport. He's been helping me with my Spanish as well. Erickson appeared this morning too. He is from MC but he moved to Santiago for college. He helped lead a station of camp in the morning two weeks ago and then went to help me in the Bateys in the afternoon. He left for Santiago last Saturday to find a job and then came back today. I think he's going to help us out next week with camp. He seemed excited about it.
I think that's mostly all that happened this week. Please be in prayer for me as I am trying to decide what happens when I leave here in September. I have so many possibilities going through my mind and I want to make sure I follow God's plan for me. Also remember Marcos and the other neighborhood kids, as well as the 43 kids here.
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